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The Astrid Lindgren Company

Photography and web site production for the Pippi of Today campaign. On-location photography in Colombia and Thailand, website design and production.


We were commissioned by The Astrid Lindgren Company and Save the Children Sweden to photograph and interview girls in Colombia and Thailand for their 2020/21 international campaign ‘Pippi of Today’. We managed all the post-production, including photographs from an additional shoot in Northern Sweden. Unsaid also built the campaign website.

Pippi who?

Pippi Longstocking is a fictional girl created by Swedish author Astrid Lindgren, 75 years ago as the Second World War was ending and millions of girls were on the move as refugees.

The ‘Pippi of Today’ campaign was an initiative from The Astrid Lindgren Company, in partnership with Save the Children, supporting girls on the move today. Girls are especially vulnerable members of families on the move, as migrants or as refugees. The strength they have makes them the Pippis of today.

portraits from thailand and colombia.


Multi-country production

Save the Children, The Astrid Lindgren Company and their creative agency Prime, worked with us to create photo and production briefs. Mats photographed in Colombia and Thailand, and Olof Ringmar photographed in Sweden. We did all the post production in our studio in the UK and delivered photographs, video portraits and interviews to the agency in Stockholm. The material was used in billboards, posters, social media posts and other campaign assets.

Campaign website

Unsaid designed and developed the Pippi of Today website, including integration with the Astrid Lindgren Company’s e-commerce site. The site was created in-house and handed over to Save the Children and the Astrid Lindgren Company.

other unsaid projects.