Save the Children Sweden
We were approached by Save the Children Sweden to design a guide for adults who support children during crises like earthquakes or terrorist attacks. We translated and adapted it for English and Ukrainian speaking audiences.
Working with texts written by psychologists from Save the Children Sweden’s Centre for Support and Treatment, and with illustrations by award-winning Swedish artist Stina Wirsén, we designed a 40-page guide that describes how adults can support children after critical incidents and emergencies.
Unsaid lead the design process, translated the guide to English and worked with the Ukrainian translation team. We worked in close collaboration with psychologists and other technical staff at Save the Children.
swedish, english and ukrainian versions of the guide.
Psychological first aid
The aim of Comfort, listen and support: Psychological first aid for children during a crisis is to help parents, teachers, social workers, and other adults to give children initial psychosocial support during and after emergencies affecting society as a whole.
The guide is built on the principles of psychological first aid, and provides practical recommendations on how to talk to children affected by the incident.
sample spreads from different editions of the guide.
Extensive use
The Swedish edition of the guide has been used by NGOs and handed out by government agencies in Sweden. The international edition and the Ukrainian language version were developed to primarily meet the demand for psychological first aid after the Russian invasion of Ukraine.